On Accomodation

By Patrick Dewey on 9:10 AM
I've stayed in a lot of hostels. Slept around, as it were. And the two I've stayed in so far in Spain have been the 1st and 2nd best I've ever seen. I don't understand why you would stay in a hotel here. (...Privacy, I guess - but whatever)

This is the view from the terrace at the place I stayed at in Seville. $20/night, free breakfast, free tours, and if I didn't throw like a girl I could hit the Seville Cathedral with a rock.

Contrast that to the places I stayed at in Thailand: Prostitute next door, smelled like dead person, roaches, electrical outlets that looked like they were wired by an arsonist. Or Rome: Actually a tent, ten miles from the city center, scorpions. Or Russia: Hobo knife fights, blood. Not that I didn't love all of those places, but Spain plays in a whole different league.

I love this country.

Writing these things in bus stations is working out pretty well. Hopefully I can knock out another one between here and Granada.


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